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MEMPHIS director Brian Daye to discuss black roots of American music at Patrick Beaver Library

Join director Brian Daye for a presentation on the African-American roots of American music on Saturday, August 6th at 1:00 pm at Patrick Beaver Memorial Library. Brian Daye is the guest director for the Hickory Community Theatre’s upcoming production of the musical MEMPHIS. Some of the most popular music types today, such as rock and roll, country, rock, funk, jazz, blues, rhythm and blues and rap were created and influenced by African American artists. It has been said that "every genre that is born from America has black roots."

Drawing on his experience as a former radio DJ, Daye will lead the audience on a journey that begins in the late 19th century, and leads through today. This presentation will give participants greater insight into the historical backdrop of the story behind the musical MEMPHIS.

Hickory Community Theatre and Hickory Public Library have partnered to bring this program to Patrick Beaver Memorial Library on August 6th at 1:00 p.m. It is free and open to the public. Registration is not required, however there is a limit of 45 people, first come, first served. For more information, please call 304-0500. Patrick Beaver Memorial Library is located at 375 3rd Street NE on the SALT Block.

MEMPHIS will be presented at Hickory Community Theatre’s Jeffers Theatre August 26th to September 10th. Tickets for this production are $16 for adults and $10 for youth and students. Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling 828-328-2283.

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30 3rd ST NW Hickory, NC 28601

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