Filled with fairy tale romance and a fearless young woman's quest for truth, the epic Broadway musical ANASTASIA concludes its run in the Jeffers Theatre at HCT this Friday and Saturday, December 15th and 16th.
Making her debut at HCT in this majestic musical, as Olga, Paulina and Ensemble member, is Sarah Deutsch.
Deutsch is a Physics PhD candidate at Cornell University who recently relocated to Charlotte from upstate New York. She is a competitive pole dancer and rock climber who enjoys sewing in her free time.
Deutsch—who previously performed in musicals and choir at college—was on the lookout for audition opportunities when she saw A GENTLEMAN'S GUIDE TO LOVE AND MURDER at Hickory Community Theatre. Taken by the production and the theatre space she was keen to audition for ANASTASIA, and is now delighted by all of the dancing and dramatic interaction she is involved with in the show.
Performances of ANASTASIA are Friday and Saturday, December 15th & 16th at 7:30PM. 

Tickets are $16 for adults, $10 for youth and students.
Tickets are available online at hickorytheatre.org, or by phone at 828-328-2283. The theatre box office is open from 12-5 PM Wednesday through Friday, or one half-hour before a performance.
ANASTASIA is rated G. All audiences admitted.
ANASTASIA is produced in association with Catawba Valley Health System. The Hickory Community Theatre’s 75th season is sponsored by Paramount Automotive, SunBelt Xpress and Green Park Dentistry. HCT is a funded affiliate of the United Arts Council of Catawba County.
(Photo by John Koval)