Ghost Light Spotlight: Meet the NIGHT MUST FALL cast A dark and humorous whodunnit, HCT's Ghost Light reading series returns with a presentation of Emlyn William’s classic British thriller...
Join Us (And Sing): Meet Ensemble member Dylan Day from THE GUY WHO DIDN'T LIKE MUSICALSAn invading alien hive mind has turned the citizens of Hatchetfield into singing and dancing "zombies". Now, it's up to a scrappy band of...
Join Us (And Sing): Meet Ensemble member Allison Andrews from THE GUY WHO DIDN'T LIKE MUSICALSEverything seemed normal in the city of Hatchetfield. Until...people began singing...and dancing. Just like that, a musical pandemic is...
Join Us (And Sing): Justin Thomas is Sam Sweetly in THE GUY WHO DIDN'T LIKE MUSICALSPaul Matthews is an average guy who likes pizza, movies...ya know, average guy things. But when an alien lifeforce infects his hometown,...